We believe that diversity and inclusion are related to our success and the goal of serving all clients with love and integrity.
Innovating Trading was founded on the belief that the investment industry needs to be inclusive - that more people from Main Street should be able to enjoy the same benefits as Wall Street. That spirit of inclusiveness has been a guiding force ever since, and we are committed to building and maintaining a culture that values and reflects the potential of all work. We know that through diversity, we gain a wide range of ideas and information, which underpins our business strategy through Through Clients ’Eyes.
We focus on attracting diverse talented people by maintaining a strong employer brand and expanding where and how we meet potential prospective employees. We employ disadvantaged communities, including women, people of color, people with disabilities and people with a military background, among others.
Our business is designed to help people manage their financial future, and the same applies to our people. We invest in our employees and their future by building a culture of support, teamwork, flexibility and balance.
As the U.S. very diverse, the financial services industry is increasingly looking for new skills to meet the needs of different clients. We believe diversity and inclusion are part of our success as a firm, our unique culture and our mission to serve all clients with love and integrity.
Our Human Resource Services (HRGs) are staffed and provide support, leadership, development opportunities, and communication with our diverse staff. Our HRGs are made up of employees who share features or life experiences and are committed to improving diversity and inclusion in the mabcredit.
We encourage our people to invest their money and get involved in long-term professional development, so we recoup the cost of authorized business-related education and training. And that’s why we offer informal advice from managers and partners to help people get on-the-job training and support.
We know that a great opportunity for change lies at the policy level. The Innovating Trading Office of Legal and Administrative Affairs supports the development of responsible policies designed to help people achieve their financial dreams.
Our decisions have a profound impact on the financial services industry as a whole. The trust we gain in our customers and in the community is based on enhancing our integrity and legitimacy. We are committed to the highest standards of ethics.
Civil unrest and riots in the US and elsewhere have intensified the need for progress. At Innovation Trading, we recognize the importance of diversity, ideas and backgrounds, and are committed to the power of change. We take — and examine — many actions to combat racial injustice and inequality.
These efforts include advancing the recruitment, development and retention of diverse talents, and ensuring that different leaders are on the path to senior decision-making roles. We are re-evaluating the company's generosity and promoting diversity and adherence to ethical and human rights standards among our suppliers. As investors, we work to influence positive change that leads to better financial results for our customers.
The Innovation Trading earned 100% points in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index for six consecutive years.
Innovation Trading collaborates with nonprofits including Girls Who Invest, Year Up, Cristo Rey Network, INROADS, and Investment 20/20, and has developed the Innovation Trading Sophomore Summer Leadership Program to help recruit young, less represented talent.
In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Innovation Trading's Diversity & Inclusion team hosted a webinar to discuss the history of epidemics, potentially potentially life-threatening behaviors and impact on vulnerable communities.
At Innovation Trading, we want everyone to have a chance to succeed based on achievement, regardless of race, color, religion, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. , military status or veteran, and any other condition. Why is this so important? For us, diverse and inclusive groups enriched by people from different backgrounds make us feel better. They help us produce better ideas, reach more balanced decisions, engage with our communities and help our customers achieve better results.
The Catalyst Program is a six-month training program designed to provide participants with tools to manage their career development. The program combines senior vice presidents with female vice presidents and different races.
The ERG Leadership Workshop, a day-long training session that is part of the ERG leadership teams, focuses on three areas: leadership development, style / vision and strategic planning.
The council is designed to develop an inclusive, diverse environment in which women can build and expand their leadership roles. Previous articles have focused on the presence of officials, gravity, the power of your voice and communication about your commercial impact.
The Innovation Trading has launched the Racial Justice & Discrimination Library which provides Innovation Trading staff with documentation, references and material to help them begin or improve their historical and current context in an important global anti-racism theme.
Diversity and Innovation Trading inclusion programs reflect our connected culture, staff are always wondering how they can make a positive impact. The diversity of our Board of Directors and executive committee gives tone from the top, helping us establish and break barriers to integration.
Innovation Trading Asians is committed to developing and modeling its membership leadership, demonstrating it across the company by developing an inclusive multicultural society.
Innovation Trading OUT promotes and supports the firm's efforts to recruit and retain members of the LGBTQ + community, with the aim of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace in which LGBTQ + employees can develop and reach their full potential.
Innovation Trading Veterans works to raise awareness of issues affecting veterans by providing the community with their members, as well as leadership that supports our diversity and inclusion efforts.
Adelante is committed to building awareness of the Hispanic-Latino community through the use of cultural power to empower professional growth, promote team cooperation and generate communication opportunities for its members.
The Black Employee Services Group (BERG) is committed to making a positive impact on the company by promoting the development of qualified Black people, which includes but is not limited to hiring, advising, sponsoring and professional development.
Family Matters supports programs that enhance and celebrate family life and the cultural diversity of the company's diverse employees, by providing appropriate tips, strategies and communication opportunities to promote growing talent and support healthy and enjoyable family relationships.
Synergy is dedicated to developing a diverse and inclusive environment where women can expand their leadership roles. Through women-led programs, Synergy works to foster a culture of teaching that encourages and empowers women to advance in their careers.